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With the development of our newest property out on beautiful Lake LBJ - located just 45 minutes west of Austin, Texas - Boat Town is excited to offer a series of in-house, on-water boat shows each year. These experiences are created with you - the customer - in mind, cultivated and tailored specifically to fit your needs as a buyer. Whether our show is on-water, provides an added element of customer appreciation entertainment, or (often) a combination of both, we hold ourselves to the highest standards to create the best boat-shopping experience in all of Central Texas.

To learn about which shows and events are up next, click Explore below.

We pride ourselves in helping you find and purchase the perfect boat for you and your family – rather than just trying to sell you one.

Our in-house, on-water show endeavors started with the kick-off of our first annual Better Than A Boat Show - and the name speaks for itself as it truly is better than any other show. With 30+ boats on the water and ready to go with our world-class team, it provides the opportunity to compare models side by side to find the perfect fit for you.

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